What Are You Yearning For?

Your authentic self is calling.

Your body holds the story of your life. Your struggles, your trauma, your truth. I can help you listen, move through it, and heal.

About Kamela

Somatic Therapy

In my practice, I focus on the body, mind, emotions, and spirit. The body comes first, because it always tells the truth. Through talk, touch, movement, breath, and gesture, I work with you to slow down and bring attention to the stories that are driving you, and help you to honor those stories while crafting new ones. When you’re the one telling your own story, you put the power in your hands.

How I Can Help

LGBTQ+ Focused

I have deep ties to the polyamorous, kinky, and queer communities, and welcome clients who challenge the gender binary, love unconventionally, and practice ethical non-monogamy. I also help folks who have lived much of their lives conventionally, and are reaching out for more.


Trauma informs so much of contemporary life, whether it’s abuse/neglect, violence in relationships, or the cultural trauma of living in white supremacy and capitalism. Using principles of Somatic Experiencing, IFS, and Polyvagal Theory, I do my best to help you navigate trauma responses safely.

Bodywork Certified

My original training and certification is in Rubenfeld Synergy Method, a bodymind modality that combines talk and touch, and is a descendant of Alexander Technique, Feldenkrais Method, and Gestalt Therapy. I also bring long experience in theatre and movement, ritual, and kink.


Recent News

  • For a therapist, I make a lot of faces.
    There’s a long, and arguably harmful, tradition of therapists being trained to be “blank slates.” This is the style of therapy we still see sometimes in TV and film: the client talks, struggles to express feelings, maybe even blows up in frustration. And the therapist, sitting back in the chair, takes notes, looks up blandly,Continue reading “For a therapist, I make a lot of faces.”
  • A year without touch
    A less-discussed casualty of the pandemic is the the way that isolation from one another has been affecting many of us, particularly those that live alone. The Guardian recently put out an article exploring how the lack of touch affects our mental health, with lots of little juicy science bits about the ways our nervous systems respond to touch. I’ve discussed some of the touch science in the past, but it has become newly relevant in a time when even I, a therapist who uses touch in sessions, can’t provide physical touch to people who were missing it even before this began.
  • That’s how the light gets in
    This time of year, at least in the Northern Hemisphere, is home to many celebrations, nearly all of them involving people gathering together, feasting, and filling their homes with light and warmth. This past Monday was the longest night and the shortest day of the year, the winter solstice, and in spite of everything (orContinue reading “That’s how the light gets in”

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