[Holiday Rerun] Is Rubenfeld Synergy “energy work”?

This work that I do tends to attract the interest of, and yet fall just outside of, two major groups of practices.  One, and the one that I tend to try and cultivate more, is the psychology/therapy side of things.  I think of RSM as a kind of body psychotherapy, in fact, and group itContinue reading “[Holiday Rerun] Is Rubenfeld Synergy “energy work”?”

When will it be safe to be a girl?

This week I stumbled across two posts about gender that really resonated with me.  Gender is a tangled and complex subject, and there are people who can speak far more eloquently about trans issues, the intersection of gender and sexuality, and breaking the gender mold than I can.  But I wanted to highlight these twoContinue reading “When will it be safe to be a girl?”

Sometimes, the things that make me smile are the simplest

Today I stumbled across this post, titled simply, “The mind/body connection thing? Believe it.” It’s a brief meditation by an older man who started exercising late in life (at 57) and has found that it has improved his overall happiness profoundly. I’m a little in love with this paragraph: My old, existential, pessimistic brain probablyContinue reading “Sometimes, the things that make me smile are the simplest”

Understanding: getting literal with it

Happy almost-Thanksgiving, everyone here in the States!  As we ease into the holidays, I want to return to the GROUND series, especially since we all need a bit of extra grounding during this time.  Today, then, we bring it to U.  🙂 The ‘U’ in GROUND is for ‘Understanding,’ something that all therapists strive forContinue reading “Understanding: getting literal with it”

Is Rubenfeld Synergy “energy work”?

This work that I do tends to attract the interest of, and yet fall just outside of, two major groups of practices.  One, and the one that I tend to try and cultivate more, is the psychology/therapy side of things.  I think of RSM as a kind of body psychotherapy, in fact, and group itContinue reading “Is Rubenfeld Synergy “energy work”?”